Dear Friends,
Wish you all a Happy Feast of St Mary Magdalene.
1)Today's Feast: She was a SEEKER. She found the Lord because of her soul searching (inside) seeking the Lord (outside). She became Apostle of the Apostles with her inner and external SEARCH. Let's search and seek the Lord within and outside (others & nature).
2) Novena 22-30: St Ignatius found God in all things and all things in God. He was a daring seeker and found the Lord. He was entirely a new person once he encountered the Lord like Mary Magdalene. Today Jesuits and the Jesuit collaborators all over the world begin the Novena. You are welcome to join by logging in:
3). Cemetery: Archbishop Peter Machado has permitted me to construct niches in our cemetery to deposit ash and even bones of the old graves. He will be addressing the entire Archdiocese on this matter soon. The cemetery committee will look after the construction according to Bishop's instructions.
God bless you and may St Ignatius intercede for you.
Fr Arun SJ