Kalena Agrahara
Mount St Joseph Campus
Bannerghatta Road
Bengaluru - 560076
On 24 May, on the occasion of the 5th Anniversary of Laudato Si, we are invited to have a shared moment of prayer. People from all across the globe would be united in Spirit.
Kindly find attached a few useful materials gathered from different sources, in this regard:
1. Laudato Si Week 2020 Booklet with suggested Activities
2. Sustainable Development Goals and Laudato Si
3. Article by Eric Jensen SJ, ‘Ecological Conversion and Spiritual Exercises’ (From'Thinking Faith'-Jesuits in Britain)
4. Laudato Si and Covid 19- Article
5. Common Prayer linking Laudato Si and Covid 19
Note: I have seen some resources like a video series from Fr. Gerald Conrad Rodricks, SJ of Mumbai Province with the following link, where he would be posting ‘Daily Minute Meditation’. So also, the Ecology group of SA including different provinces are also planning some programs. Kindly share these initiatives, materials, links etc, so that we could put them all together and share as links, or resource materials and also upload them into our JCSA website.
There is a dedicated website for this Laudato-Si Week- This would also be helpful.
Requesting you to kindly share the materials with your friends