Kalena Agrahara
Mount St Joseph Campus
Bannerghatta Road
Bengaluru - 560076

Fr Arun Kumar SJ
27 March 2020 at 2:30:00 am
Dear Friends,
For the past few days we have been in lockdown but everything is not shutdown. Many things and persons are open and especially the God who created us and the family members with whom we grew up are very open to us and we spend quality time with them. As we continue to remain inside, here are the few updates from your parish priest.
1. I succeeded in hosting a virtual prayer cum meeting through www.zoom.us with some of the parishioners to check how they are. It worked well. Hence I request the ward leaders use this technology to connect the ward members and share how they are and even recite novena or a decade of Rosary, etc…
2. There will be a live streaming of Holy Week services with the help of Jude Britto, Fr Olvin Veigas and few others from our parish. If you have any suggestions regarding this you can send it to me once I send the plan of Holy Week.
3. Some of the parishioners suggested that we have the “Novena during the distress of Corona”. Hence I’ve attached the Novena prayers for Day 1. You can recite, review and help me to prepare for the coming days. Similarly “The Way of the Cross” with the integration of corona crisis too, has been sent to you through WhatsApp.
4. We have a new parish website designed by Jude Britto and Fr Olvin Veigas. Kindly browse through www.kalenaagraharachurch.org for the latest updates and give your suggestions for the improvement.
5. The Jesuits at Mount St Joseph have suggested that we provide ration and food to those landless labourers and shelter less daily wagers who are stuck with no means to sustain themselves. We are trying to provide food for a few and purchase ration for the rest.
The approximate cost of procuring the essentials and distributing the ‘care packets’ would be as follow:
a. 250 grams of food packet Rs.25/- (subsidised and cooked in Mount St Joseph)
b. Essential grocery items for the family of 5 members (for 1 week) Rs.1100/-
c. Essential grocery items for the family of 5 members (1 month) Rs. 4500/-
You are most welcome to contribute during this period of crisis to help the helpless. It will be our Corporal Works of Mercy. Since social distancing doesn’t allow us to meet, you could follow the steps for the contribution: Fr Teyol Machado is working out the purchasing, packing and distribution plan with the police passes for vehicle and persons to distribute the ration and food.
How to Contribute?
1. Kindly click and fill the following link to be part of #WeAreHereForYou
2. Please call or mail the parish priest: Mob: 99721 37656; Email: kjarunsj@gmail.com
3. Mention clearly: Your name, your account number, the amount, the date of amount sent, the quantity of food or ration you wish to contribute. These details are important to provide you the receipt and give the financial report once a week or once in 15 days.
4. Please send money to the following bank Details of our parish.
Bank Name : South Indian Bank
Branch Name : Bannerghatta Road, Bangalore
Address of the Bank : Bannerghatta Road, Marylac Convent, Near Meenakshi Temple
Account Name : Immaculate Heart of Mary Church
Account Number : 0526053000004292
IFSC : SIBL0000526
Let’s continue to pray for one another and help each other especially the needy neighbour.
Yours in Christ
Fr Arun SJ